Ten New Definitions About Proxy Sites You do not Usually Need To liste…

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It is a proxy is often referred to as a proxy server software program that acts in the role of an intermediary the server and the client on the internet. Without a proxy, a client would be able to make a request for a request directly to the server and the server will then send the resource directly back to the user. Although this is a simple process to understand and implement, however, the addition of proxy servers can offer advantages such as increased security, performance, privacy as well as other benefits. As an additional layer of pass-through, proxies act as a defender to the internet between users and servers.

In general the case of server hardware with proxy software is referred as proxy servers. In this article, we'll concentrate on proxies commonly thought as software, and specifically in relation to servers on the internet. The article will provide a detailed discussion of the two main types of proxies, which are the forward proxy and a reverse proxy. Each has its own specific usage case, but they are often confused due to a similar namesake convention.

This article will provide you with some understanding about what proxies and subtypes of them are, and the ways they can be useful in the common configurations. In this article, you'll learn what scenarios where you could benefit by a proxy. You'll also be able to choose the best option in between forward and reverse proxy, in each scenario.

Understanding Forward Proxies

The forward proxy sometimes called open proxy, also known as open proxy is an agent for a user who is trying to make a request through the internet to an origin server. If this is the case, any requests from the client are instead directed to the forward proxy. In this scenario, this forward proxy, acting the instead of the user will review the request. It is the first thing to check if the client is allowed to make requests via this specific forward proxy. The forward proxy will then deny any request or forward it to the server that made the request. The client is not able to establish a directly connected to the web, it can only access what the forward proxy allows it access to.

The main reason people use forward proxy is the need for greater privacy or protection online. Forward proxy makes use of the internet as a client, and during this process it is using an alternative IP address to the IP address of your client.

Based on the way it was set up in the past forward proxy servers could provide a variety of functions and options, including:

  • Do not be a victim of ad tracking.

  • Circumvent surveillance.

  • Find restrictions based on your geolocation.

Forward proxies can also be used in systems for centralized security as well as permission-based access, such as in a workplace. If all internet traffic flows through an open forward proxy layer, administrators may allow only specific clients access to the internet through a common firewall. Instead of maintaining firewalls for the client layer which may involve many machines with varying configurations and users, a firewall can be added to the forward proxy layer.

Keep in mind that forward proxy settings have to be manually set up before they are able to be used to use them in reverse proxies, whereas forward proxy settings can't be detected by users. The kind of IP address a user is relayed to the server from which it originated through the forward proxy privacy and anonymity could be granted, or left unnoticed.

There are many possibilities to consider for forward-looking proxy services:

  • Apache The Apache is a popular open-source web server that offers forward proxy functions.

  • Nginx is another well-known open-source server for web hosting that has the ability to forward-proxy.

  • Squid is an open source forward proxy that uses the HTTP protocol. It's not a complete webserver system. It is possible to refer to our tutorial on how to create a Squid proxy to connect privately in Ubuntu 20.04.

  • Dante forward proxy, which uses using the SOCKS protocol rather than HTTP this makes it better suitable for situations such as peer-to-peer communication. It is also possible to look into how to install a Dante proxy to allow private connections on Ubuntu 20.04

Understanding Reverse Proxies

Reverse proxy acts to act as an intermediary a web server, and takes the care of requests coming in from customers for the benefit of. The web server can function as a single server or multiple servers. It could also be an application-server like Gunicorn. In either of these scenarios the request will be made by a client via the internet generally. Typically, the request will be directly sent to the web server that holds all the resources that the client is seeks. A reverse proxy functions as an intermediary, shielding the webserver from direct interaction with the internet.

From the point of view of a user's viewpoint from the perspective of a client, using reverse proxy is similar to interacting with the server by itself. It's basically similar, but the user cannot discern the distinction. Client requests a resource and then receives it without any additional configuration required on the part of the client.

Reverse proxy providers provide features like:

  • The web server is protected centrally.

  • The routing of traffic inbound is based upon rules you can set up.

  • The caching function is now available to users.

Although centralized security is a benefit of both forward and reverse proxy systems, reverse proxy providers apply this feature to this layer of the internet server not the layer that clients use. Instead of having firewalls on Web server layers, which could comprise multiple servers and various configurations, the majority of firewall security is concentrated on the reverse proxy layer. In addition, getting rid of the hassle of interfacing with firewalls as well as interfacing with client requests outside of web servers allows firewalls to focus on supplying the necessary resources.

If there are several servers that are operating as a reverse proxy and the reverse proxy takes care of the way requests are routed to which server. A number of web servers could be connected to the same server, each offering different types of resource or a mix of both. These servers use the HTTP protocol similar to a traditional web server, however they may also include protocols for application servers like FastCGI. You can configure a reverse proxy to route users to particular servers according to the type of resource they are searching for, or to observe specific guidelines for the amount of traffic.

Reverse proxies benefit from being placed above web servers through the capability of caching. Massive static resources can be set up with caching rules in order to avoid hitting web servers with each request. There are a few options that allow users to serve directly static files without having to connect to the web server at all. In addition the reverse proxy could manage compressing these assets.

The well-known Nginx web server is an extremely popular reverse proxy service. While it's real that Apache web server is equipped with reverse proxy feature, it's an additional option that's available to Apache however Nginx was designed originally for and is focused on reverse proxy features.

Distinguishing Forward and Reverse Proxy Use Differentiating Forward and Reverse Proxy Utilization

Because "forward" along with "reverse" have connotations of directionality as well as misleading comparisons to "incoming" or "outgoing" traffic, these labels can confuse because both types of proxies respond to requests and receive responses. The best method of separating between reverse and forward proxy is to analyze the specifications of the application you're creating.

Reverse proxy is a useful tool to use when designing a solution to deliver applications on the web via the internet. Reverse proxy servers represent your website when you connect to the internet.

Forward proxy can be useful for displaying clients for personal use, or in a work environment. The forward proxy displays the information of the client when you use the internet.

The practice of separating by use case instead of using the same names will ensure that you aren't confused.


This article explains the definition of a proxy with the two major types, namely the forward proxy and reverse proxy. Examples of how to use them and a discussion of the most beneficial characteristics were used to define the difference between forward and reverse proxies. If you're interested in learning more about the possibilities of proxies then you should check out our guide on how to configure Nginx as a reverse proxy for Apache on one Ubuntu 20.04 server.

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